
(新しいページ: '{{#customtitle:ビヨンセさんは天然美人?それとも化粧美人なだけ?|ビヨンセさんは天然美人?それとも化粧美人なだけ?{{yatop}}}} 『'...')
最新版 (2013年9月10日 (火) 07:34) (編集) (取り消し)
(ページの置換: '{{YAMove|Is_Beyonce_naturally_beautiful_or_is_it_just_the_makeup%3F|ビヨンセさんは天然美人?それとも化粧美人なだけ?}}')
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『'''Is Beyonce naturally beautiful or is it just the makeup?'''』(イズ・ビヨンセ・ナチュラリー・ビューティフル・オア・イズ・イット・ジャスト・ザ・メイクアップ?)<small>〔意:'''ビヨンセさんは天然美人?それとも化粧美人なだけ?'''〕</small>{{YA|20080619174225AAF6sbu}}は、なにより検索エンジンとして名高い「ヤフー」の送るサービスのひとつ『ヤフー!知恵袋』の本家版すなわち『ヤフー!アンサーズ』<small>(Yahoo! Answers)</small>に投稿された、“ノンフェイク”<small>(Nonfake)</small>という名の利用者による質問である。
[[画像:Is Beyonce naturally beautiful or is it just the makeup?.jpg|thumb|right|340px|『ビヨンセさんは天然美人?それとも化粧美人なだけ?』]]
{{yan|n=Nonfake}}{{yab|b=教えてちょうだい。}} {{yao|o=Explain.}}
[[画像:ビヨンセ Beyonce at J and R Express 240550157.jpg|thumb|right|288px|ビヨンセ]]
{{yan|n=lilangel}}{{yab|b=どっちも該当してると思う。天然美人がメイクで強化。ああいう生まれながらの美人もいたりするもんなんだよね。美肌なうえに肌つや抜群。整形とかそういう改造的なの一切なしだと思うよあの人。遺伝子の賜物だね。}} {{yao|o=I think that it is both. Beyonce is naturally beautiful and the make up helps enhance her features. Some people are just born naturally beautiful. She has beautiful skin and a beautiful complexion. I dont think that she had any surgeries or anything to alter her apperance. She just got it like that its in her genes.}}
:{{yan|n=Nonfake}}{{yab|b=ほう}} {{yao|o=Ok}}
{{yan|n=♥fabulous♥}}{{yab|b=天然。歌が作り物なだけ。そんだけ。}} {{yao|o=naturally. we just add make up to cover song blemished. that's all.}}
{{yan|n=BudLt}}{{yab|b=とりあえず俺らが現在見てる姿は化粧づくめの姿。元から相応レベルな美人が化粧乗っけまくって髪盛りまくりましたってとこかな。歌声も抜群だよな。ちなみに素顔知りたきゃ高校時代の写真見てみりゃいいと思うぞ。}} {{yao|o=What we as fans see is all makeup. I would say that she has a certain level of beauty that is at the foundation of all that makeup and hairstyling. She has a beautiful voice and I am quite sure that if you saw a picture of her when she was in High School, you would know right away whom she was.}}
{{yan|n=Colibri}}{{yab|b=化粧}} {{yao|o=makeup}}
{{yan|n=collegebound}}{{yab|b=ユーチューブで見たよノーメイク写真。「ビヨンセのすっぴん」で検索して自分の目で確かめてみてよ。普通に可愛いし。うちらみんなそれぞれ個性持ちってことでよろしく。}} {{yao|o=I saw pictures without her makeup on YouTube. Just type in: beyonce without makeup- in the search box. You will see for yourself. She is pretty. We all are in our own way.}}<br/>
{{yab|b=情報源:}} {{yao|o=Source(s):}}<br/>
{{yab|b=ユーチューブ!}} {{yao|o=Youtube!}}
{{yan|n=plumshadow1981}}{{yab|b=お化粧です。あの盛り髪とメイク取り払ったらそのへん歩いてる人間となんも変わりません。ブサイクとまではゆきませんけど仮に有名人じゃなくて仕事柄ついてくるコスメ製品とかスタイリストとか無かったとしたら、街歩いててもチラホラ気づかれることはあっても交通渋滞レベルの人だかりになったりは絶対ありえませんね。}} {{yao|o=its the make up. She looks like any other person on the street with out her fake hair and make up. She is not ugly but if she wasn't famous and didn't have the products and stylist that come with her perfession. she might turn a few heads but by no means would stop traffic.}}
{{yan|n=Bo Peep}}{{yab|b=どちらかといえば激厚メイクに見える写真が多いかなと。念のため言っておきますと、すっぴんなのにメイク装着時ばりに容姿端麗なんて人は滅多にいません。とはいえ、質問の答えとしては、ええ、その通りでしょうねと。あの抜群にキレイな目形、かわいらしい鼻、厚クチビルに女性らしさ満開のアゴ。あと言うまでもありませんけどあの抜群のカラダもね。゚ー゚}} {{yao|o=I think she can look rather caked-on in a lot of photos. And I mean, hardly anyone looks as good as they do with makeup on rather than off. But yes, I'd say so. She has a really pretty eye shape, a cute nose, full lips and a feminine chin. Not to mention a great body too. :<nowiki>}</nowiki>}}
{{yan|n=Mandy J}}{{yab|b=それがさっ!}} {{yao|o=Omg!}}<br/>
{{yab|b=だと思ってたんよ}} {{yao|o=I thought she was,}}<br/>
{{yab|b=これ見ちゃうまでわ・・・}} {{yao|o=that was untill i saw this...}}<br/>
{{yab|b=<htmlet>Followlink_beyonce-white</htmlet>}} {{yao|o=<nowiki>http://tob.hollywood.com/2007/03/08/picture-of-beyonce-without-makeup/</nowiki>}}<br/>
{{yab|b=でもビビんなくてもダイジョブ!}} {{yao|o=Do NOT FEAR!}}<br/>
{{yab|b=2007年のやつだかんね}} {{yao|o=this was in 2007}}<br/>
{{yab|b=もっと今風なってるはず。}} {{yao|o=im sure she is more up to date.}}
{{yan|n=smm}}{{yab|b=天然。すっぴん顔はカワユい系でわりと普通な感じっぽい。そんでメイクありだと抜群化して洗練されまくり。ちなみにファンとかじゃないよんべつに。適正に評価してみただけ。}} {{yao|o=naturally. she probably looks cute and normal without make up, with with make up she looks amazing and polished. and no i'm not a fan. i just give props where due.}}
{{yan|n=courtney lynn}}{{yab|b=メイク頼み}} {{yao|o=just the make-up}}
{{yan|n=lillyshamshom}}{{yab|b=天然ぽいような}} {{yao|o=i guess naturally}}<br/>
{{yab|b=まーすっぴん見たことないんだけどね!!}} {{yao|o=ive never seen her without makeup though!!}}
{{yan|n=.♥.♥.♥.}}{{yab|b=てゆうかべつにそこまでカワイくないし。。。メイク頼み。。。芸能人とか大体そうだよメイクあっての存在だよ。。。}} {{yao|o=nah she int all that pretty.....shes only with make up....most celebrities arent pretty its the make up that makes them look this way.....}}
*『[[Did Beyonce ever have plastic surgery?|ビヨンセって整形しとんのですか?]]』
*『[[Beyonce or Tyra Banks: Who is more beautiful without makeup?|ビヨンセとタイラ・バンクス。スッピンだったらどっちが美人?]]』
*『[[Are there any good looking celebrities WITHOUT makeup?|化粧 な し でもイケてる芸能人っているのか?]]』
*『[[Why are celebrities so god damn ugly without makeup??!!?|芸能人てさなんで化粧とったら激ブサなん??!!?]]』
*『[[Which celebrities are naturally pretty?|素で可愛い芸能人といえば?]]』
*『[[How tall are Ciara and Beyonce?|シアラとビヨンセって背どんだけあんの?]]』
[[Category:Yahoo! Answers 〔ビヨンセ〕|Is Beyonce naturally beautiful or is it just the makeup?]]
[[Category:Yahoo! Answers 〔化粧〕|Is Beyonce naturally beautiful or is it just the makeup?]]

