
2013年2月18日 (月) 07:28; Nsview (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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Do you think SNSD Hyoyeon has a cute face?』(ドゥー・ユー・シンク・エスエヌエスディー・ヒョヨン・ハズ・ア・キュート・フェイス?)〔意:少女時代のヒョヨンの顔ってカワユいと思いますか?YA.pngは、なにより検索エンジンとして名高いヤフーの送るサービスのひとつ―『ヤフー!知恵袋』の本家版すなわちヤフー!アンサーズ(Yahoo! Answers)に投稿された、“ライス・プディング”(Rice Pudding)という名の利用者による質問である。









画像:ヒョヨン Hyoyeon 5678670869.jpg

Rice Pudding
ヘンな顔だと思うの私だけですかね。なんか漫画っぽいっていうかなんていうか。パクボム的なカワユさあるとは思うんですけどね。 〔Does anyone besides me think snsd hyoyeon face is kind of strange. it remind of some cartoon but i just can put my finger on it but i find her cute like park bom.〕

追加:なんでジェシカっていつもトイレ駆け込む3秒前みたいな顔なんですか? 〔BQ: why does jessica face always look like she about to go number 2?〕



ヒョヨンは外見はもちろん中身も美人さんなんですよ!なんか「韓国人に見えない」から人気最低メンなんだとかよく耳にしますけども、こりゃフェアじゃございませんわー!顔も性格も美人!で天然甘カワの踊る女王それがヒョーちゃん! 〔Hyoyeon is beautiful both inside and out! I have heard many people say that she is the least liked member of SNSD because "she doesn't look Korean"! This isn't fair! Hyo has a beautiful face and personality! She is our Dancing Queen and is so sweet and dorky!〕

ジェシカは“氷の女王”ですね!一切媚びませんから的な! 〔Jessica is the 'Ice Princess' ! She doesn't have to pretend to be something she's not to be loved!〕

Rice Pudding
性格いいっぽいよね 〔she looks like a nice person〕


Proud YoonAddict
好きだしリアルに美人だと思うけどヌサ認定される理由は次の2つ 〔I love Hyoyeon and I think she's really beautiful but for 2 reasons people think she's ugly〕
1.アホのヘアメイクから似合わない髪形ばっか押し付けられてる 〔1.Her hairstylist is stupid because he/she keeps giveing her a kind of hair that doesn't fit her.〕
2.他メン(ユナ、ティファニー、スヨン、・・・)と並んだら見劣り 〔2.She's overshadowed by the other members looks(Yoona,Tiffany,Sooyoung...)〕
シカちゃんのあの冷めたっていうかほっといてよ的な態度はね、あれは素の性格からくるもの。っていうかそれでこそ氷の女王様。明るくハッピー演じたりしなくても人気あるわけなのです。 〔BQ: Sica is just naturally cold and dont-care kind of person and you can see it in her face, that's why she's our ice princess who doesn't have to be bright and happy for us to like her.〕

PLEDIS PlayGirlz
キャワユいと思いまっす!特に笑ってるときとか天然丸出し状態なときとか^^ 〔I think Hyoyeon is adorable! especially when she smiles or does something dorky ^^〕
どうしてブサ認定されちゃうのかなぁって不思議。ほんっと可愛いと思うんですけど。ちなみに熱烈ファンとかじゃないですよあたし。単に心から可愛いと思うだけ。 〔Idk why people think she's ugly, i think she's really pretty and im not just saying that just cuz i'm a Sone, but because I really do think she's pretty.〕

トイレ駆け込む3秒前って・・・wまぁ氷の女王ですからねっ! 〔BQ: It's not cuz she has to go to #2 lol.. cuz she's our Ice Princess!〕

あの新曲エコーのPVとか写真だと超かわいい! 〔In the new echo music video and pictures, she looks so pretty!〕

Ying Ying
最初のコメが的確だよね・・・wいっつも悲惨度MAXな髪型されちゃってるし・・・ 〔lol at the first answerer... she always getting the ugliest hairstyle...〕

ですよね。可愛いんだけど馬鹿ヘアメイクから妙な髪形にされてしまってるという。あのフッのPVとかまさに。。。マジな話あれにはビビらされたね-_- 〔I agree with the other people who say she's pretty, just that her stupid hairstylist keeps giving her weird hairstyles. Like the one in Hoot MV . . that one seriously made me cringe -___-〕

でも新曲エコーのPVのやつはわりとまともな感じ。ヘアメイクついに入れ替わったとかかな? 〔But in SNSD's recent MV, Echo her hair looks pretty normal. Maybe that hairstylist was finally fired? ^^〕

まっいずれにしてもキレイな方だと思いますね。なんとなくソン・ヘギョさんっぽいなぁとか。あの韓国女優屈指の美人さんね。゚ー゚ 〔Anyways, i do think she's really pretty. She kind of reminds of Song Hye Kyo, who's usually considered one of the most beautiful Korean actress. (:〕

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/38/hyoyeon.png/sr=1 〔http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/38/hyoyeon.png/sr=1〕
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oV3OgUHH5TU/TLBfGRL02gI/AAAAAAAAAo8/JxEgrU2NczM/s320/Hyoyeon.jpg 〔http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oV3OgUHH5TU/TLBfGRL02gI/AAAAAAAAAo8/JxEgrU2NczM/s320/Hyoyeon.jpg〕

Yun Hee
抜群てほどじゃないかもだけど個性あるのわまちがいナシ゚ー゚だよねヘアメイクのひとクビにしないと=_= 〔She may not be considered the most attractive but she definitely has her own charisma :) And I agree, someone needs to fire her hair stylist =__=〕

美人。強いて言うなら個性派美女。あんま目立ってないけど╹д╹ 〔Hyo yeon is beautiful. Unquiely beautiful if you ask me. But she doesn't get alot of camera time D:〕

独自の魅力あり。そこは他メンも同じだけど。たしかに髪型おかしいときもある。あれで萎えちゃう人もいるのはわかる。出番少なめだし顔独特だしね。でもイントゥーザニューワールドとかのPV見ればどんだけ美人かどんだけダンス能力高いかわかる。あのキラ目と笑顔でかわゆいポイント高いと思う。 〔Hyoyeon is beautiful in her own way just like each of the other members. Sometimes though her hair isn't always the best. That's sometimes why she isn't the favorite of other people. She doesn't get to sing as much and has a unique face, but videos like Into the New World show how beautiful she is and talented at dancing. I think she's cute with her bright eyes and smile.〕

なに言ってんの?美人じゃんヒョヨン!╹ー╹ 〔Are you kidding? I think Hyoyeon is Beautiful! =],〕
異ジャンル適応力も抜群だし。 〔She can adopt to different concepts very well.〕
可愛い/キレイ/セクシー両立できちゃう人材( ゚∀゚)=3 〔She can be cute/pretty/sexy at the same time<3〕
